Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Fiber Market

I am now more excited than ever about my ventures into the alpaca industry. My biggest questions were "what to do with the fiber?" Afterall, the fiber is suppose to be the reason we are in the alpaca business. From what I've read, fiber is the end product. I was getting concerned for a while because I was unable to find solid answers and once I was on the right path, I encountered something I hadn't before in the alpaca industry: rudeness and lack of assistance. I was actually feeling discouraged but I forged on and found what I was looking for: what to do with the fiber.

I have found a wonderful alpaca fiber mill, All Alpaca Fiber in West Virginia. I spoke with an employee who was sweet and very helpful and later her boss called me to answer the questions she couldn't. It was a relief to find the kindness and comraderie I have come to expect of the alpaca industry. They have reasonable rates and excellent turn around time. And now that I've found a place that will process my fiber for me, not only into yarn, but into fabric as well, (they are working on making fabric from the fiber) I can now comfortably plan out my place in the alpaca industry.

I have decided to focus more on fiber and creating end product and helping increase the demand for alpaca fiber products. I think I'll be a lot more comfortable with the majority of my business focused on fiber but I will be very active on the breeding and showing end as well.

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