Sunday, October 11, 2009

Oh Happy Day

What a busy,busy productive day! We officially traded Keona for Priscilla, we drew Ewok's blood for his ARI registration, walked the boys (Michael and Ewok) and both of my girls, Priscilla and Carmella were bred.

We bred Priscilla to Blade and Carmella to Flash. They were happy campers. What's truly funny is that Blade hurt his knee the other day so he was walking with a slight limp but when he realized he was going to the breeding pen, that limp disappeared. He wasted no time to getting the deed and if his knee was bothering him, it didn't show. He even went back for seconds. Priscilla was such a great sport, she took a nap while he did his thing. The things we gals put up with.

We went to get Flash, and he actually started to skip. I'm so proud of myself that Rick and Pati agreed that Flash was a good breeding choice. He got right down to business. Pretty good for a first timer. When he was finished, he got up, and tried to go back for more but he was so excited he was just all over the place. We tried to let Majik breed to his grandmother's best friend but they both spit him off. Poor guy.

Michael and Ewok didn't walk quite as well as they did the first time, but they did walk further than the first time. Nice trade-off. Then after being forced to walk on the halter, poor Ewok has blood drawn. He was not a happy camper. Michael let me put my hands all over him which will be great for shows, but he wasn't too pleased about my looking under his tail. One step at a time.

Overall, it was a very successful productive day and I'm a happy camper. I wish I could be here for the spit tests, but a girl can't be greedy.

Yes, I can. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for girls.

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