Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Using Knowledge for Planning

The more I learn about this business, the more I tweak and adjust my plans. It happens. It wouldn't make sense not to make changes if I've learned that something I want to do isn't practical or financially sound. A lot of my original plans were made based on being excited and anxious to get started. Now that the initial excitement has given way to common sense, I can make real plans.

I still have a lot to learn about this business, but I have learned enough to know that my stress level and vet bills will be a lot lower if I stick to my plan of a predominately fiber herd. Besides, I have found that I really like the male alpacas more than the females. It might be because the males are more sociable, but I understand that the constant hormone fluctuations of being pregnant, giving birth, nursing and nursing while pregnant can play games with one's disposition. Another reason males are easier.

Speaking of adjusted herd plan, I've been reading for sale ads and it's amazing to me how many animals are being sold for practically nothing because the animals are so closely related to their herdmates. I've been thinking of how to avoid this in my own breeding herd and I've decided to have two herdsires and each of them having their own exclusive females within my herd. This way I don't run into the issue of having my animals so related to each other that I have no one to breed them to. Now, I just need the discipline to stick to that plan. :-)

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