Saturday, September 5, 2009

Exciting week

Wow! I feel like it's Christmas. I should be getting my ARI certificate for Michael Jackson anyday now. Since I got the email that he's officially registered, I've been watching the mailbox like a hawk. And this week my little girl turns 1. I'm a happy girl. :-)

I've discovered (thanks to AlpacaNation forum) that NEAFP provides full end alpaca retail products. This is an exciting discovery. I've started working on my business plan for my farm store, so this is great.

I've also started writing the information pages that will eventually go on my website. I've been keeping a diary of the questions I've had since starting in the Alpaca business and I'm going to publish the information I've found. Afterall, the whole point of information pages is to provide information.

Like I said, busy, exciting week!

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