Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Openess and Ingerity

I am a big believer in conducting myself with integrity. That's why I'm an open book. Yes, I value my privacy and I believe everyone is entitled to privacy, but I don't think that applies to business.

I am very disappointed that two threads were removed from AlpacaNation forum. Both dealt with shady alpaca deals. One was a dispute between two farms, I can almost understand not wanting a free for all; however, why hide a shady deal? Especially if the deal can impact other people? The other thread was about the guy in Wisconsin who is the first farmer to be suspended by ARI. I'm assuming that it was removed because the other was to not show favortism of one thread over the other.

I really question why people are so desperate to hide this part of the alpaca industry? Why not warn people? Why set-up newbies to do business with someone with no integrity? I don't get it.

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