Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fiber Education

Finding that AlpacaNation forum has been a Godsend. I knew I had a lot to learn, but after reading the fiber threads, I have a more to learn than I thought. A lot.

I truly understand why people want to stick to the breeding side and not deal with the fiber side. There's so much to learn, but it's like with anything. Anytime one starts a new venture there's a lot to learn and thinking about how much you have to learn can be overwhelming. But if I want to have a successful alpaca business that is not dependent on breeding I have to learn it.

Someone else posed the question of having an all fiber herd. Considering what happens to the poor males in this business, I like the support the idea got. I'm still leaning towards the rescue idea and I don't see why I can't to both. I can use the fiber from the rescued animals in my fiber program until I can find a suitable home for them.

This business is exciting with many twists and turns. I feel like I'm really starting to get a handle on what being an alpaca owner means. And what it takes to make it a successful venture. And I do want it to be successful. I guess a lot of my apprehension is that I'm doing it on my own and I don't want to get in over my head.

I'm just going to go slow and continue to develop a wonderful support network.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I found your blog via alpacasocial. I think an all fibre herd/rescue is not only a possiblity but a great business idea!!!. I am in the $$$ gathering stage of my farm, the farmers (I prefer to think of myself as a future alpaca FARMER and not a glorified breeder) that I have been dealing with have taught me so much about the fibre business, they make the bulk of their profits from either socks or insoles neither of which need a top quality fibre (grades 4-6 I think) these animals who cannot be bred or have outgrown their "usefulness" could still support this market and due to their low cost of purchase (even being donated in some cases) they would definately be profitable!!
    I say follow your heart, rescue animals could find a happy safe place with you and would with easy pay for their upkeep.
    Keep up the good work!,
