Monday, August 24, 2009

A New Discovery

Last night I made a interesting discovery. As much as I'm on Alpaca Nation I can't believe I just found it. There's an alpaca forum. I'm so excited. I got my email this morning activating my account. I did read some threads and it's scary how people will jump into something knowing little to nothing about what they are getting into.

I was feeling like I hadn't done enough research before buying my kids but I've discovered that some people do absolutely no research before buying alpacas. I don't understand it. But then people are always buying animals and knowing little to nothing about them. That's why so many dogs and cats end up in the pound. I wish people were more responsible.

I'm going to enjoy this forum. If it's as helpful to me as the relocation forum was, I'll be all set for when it's time to open my farm.

Speaking of which, my farm is officially called Alpaca Springs. I like it alot better. I know I'm focusing on suris, but I do have Sir Ewok, who is a hucaya and I may end up one or two more hucayas and I didn't want to leave them out so instead of Suri Springs, Alpaca Springs.

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