Saturday, August 29, 2009

It's really a business

I am so proud of myself. I am really starting to look at and treat the Alpaca business like that, a business. I've completed the financial part of my business plan and now I'm on to the fun part - the writing.

I am definite about making space for rescue. And I'll agist as well. Since I'll have a large amount of land I've decided to trade a section of it to a vet so I'll have a vet living on premises. I'll accomplish two goals doing this: 1) I'll have an alpaca vet, 2) The area will have an alpaca vet.

I've already created an Alpaca Information Sheet which I'll require anyone buying animals from me to sign. When I create my website, I'll have this and any other form I create available for download. the AIS form contains a clause acknowledging that I will broker the animals for sale if the client finds they are going out of business or unable to care for the animal. They will be required to pay agisting fees which, hopefully, will keep people from using up an animal and dumping it when it becomes older. I'm also going to require that people have a basic education of alapcas before I sell an animal. I don't see why people don't do that now. Correction, yes I do - they are more interested in making money than the animal's welfare.

I hope this downturn in the economy will purge such people from the alpaca industry.

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